Crash Cymbal and Coat

After work Abby entertained me with music…a kick drum, snare, crash cymbal, bang!

Before bed Abby modeled her snow gear…thanks Grandma and Grandpa for the arctic Minnesota appropriate apparel.

Music and Modeling. Crash Cymbals and Coats.

Explore and Learn

Exploring the environments around her, trying it all, Abby is learning fast. She is growing into such a big girl.

While making breakfast this morning I heard a whack and a clang. With a huge smile on my face I walked into the living room and saw Abby playing her drums. How did she know? Upon first set up (a birthday gift that I set-up after she was in bed last night) she knew what to do; she played the drums like a pro. She loved it.

When sitting with Papa, Abby focused on turning the knobs and pushing the buttons to see the animals pop. How did she know? Upon first review she knew to push the middle button for the bear; since that time, she has asked for help to tackle the remaining mammals.

While visiting friend Julie, Abby found the neighbor’s Barbie car in the driveway. She climbed in and started “driving”. How did she know? Upon first review she knew to get on the seat and put her hands on the wheel; she knew to steer and honk the horn.

When winding down after her dinner, Abby chose to serve dinner to others. She set the table and mixed up a menagerie of ingredients with a dash of salt. How did she know? Clearly mom isn’t so formal about her meals and doesn’t ever shake salt. Abby observes in all environments to pull together the reality in her own world.

Finally, a project before bed. Although today was a busy day, Abby was eager to explore the easel; we pulled out the markers and the Sesame Street coloring book. A natural artist learning to express herself in many different ways.

So much to explore. So much to learn. So smart.