Ready for a New Bed?

Soon it will be time to transition from toddler to twin.

My growing girl is getting to that age. The age of the bed change.

Confident she’s ready, I pulled together plans for a room theme, a headboard and a mattress purchase.

Tonight. Just now. She fell out of bed!

Down in the kitchen, I heard the clatter.

No call to mommy, instead on her bedroom-cam I view my girl climbing back into her toddler bed and falling immediately back to sleep.

Peace barely interrupted.


I like to call it the spy-cam but that sounds a bit sneaky.

It’s a humor-cam. It’s a comfort-cam. It’s an “I wonder”-cam.

Not only does it show a girl in restful sleep, but also the sweet play of that toddler when she’s up from her slumber.

Trying on boots and coddling babies. Reading and rearranging. Emptying drawers and exploring in her dollhouse.

It’s my eye on imagination and my assurance of peace.

It’s my smile-cam.
