Hidden Camera

I couldn’t help but sneak the shot as she read aloud the shapes on the eye chart while wearing those strange wire glasses.

My baby is growing up so fast.

Another first step. Early Childhood screening.

Kindergarten in the fall.

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In kindergarten, as mom likes to reminisce, I won the cake walk at our school carnival.

It was my cake to pick!P1010238

Oh what a beautiful, bountiful bunch of baked goods to choose from.

That one cool confection with flowers and fancy frosting would now be mine.

I’ll stop the story there.

Let’s just remember it as a great selection, not the pasty grey frosted cylinder that landed in our garbage later.

Tonight, at the school carnival, I attempted to pass my cake walking talent to Abby. We didn’t win.

Alas. Face it. I really have no cake walk talent at all.

A great night with family at the elementary school carnival.