Cat Comics


Heading to the mall I have my doubts.

Santa is scary; I’ve heard that more than once.

Nearing Kris Kringle, an ask to go potty.

Avoid the inevitable? Mommy can’t say no. Right?

Hip to her hoax, I move us up.

Approaching the man, we wave.


However, she verbally responds to his hello as her eyes lock on him in amazement.

Now on his lap, she asks for a truck.

So sweet. Santa doubts averted. Now her favorite.

santa 890

Halloween #1 – Daycare

School’s Halloween party tonight.

Proud to be a cupcake.

Walking in timid, never truly breaking that shell.

Quiet for the night but showing the Abby energy during the cake walk.

Suddenly the gorilla. A flinch, a jerk, a cry.

Peering around the room to always keep the scare in sight.

Halloween #1 ended.

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