
How do you eat your Oreo? Apparently it says a lot about your personality.

Twisted apart, the inside, and then the cookie. You have a highly curious nature. You take pleasure in breaking things apart to find out how they work, though not always able to put them back together, so you destroy all the evidence of your activities. You deny your involvement when things go wrong. You exhibit deviant behavior.

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National Night Out

The county sheriff and the local police, both visitors at our night out celebration.

Prepped with her “slushy”, Abby looked forward to the snacks and the officers…not knowing there’d be stickers and badges and frisbees as well.

A party. Her birthday she thought. Instead a party with neighbors; in before the rain.

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Ice Cream Break

I am suspect that a “safety break” at the water-park is designed to get the parents lined up for concessions.

Regardless, what an awesome day for swimming and ice cream.

So many smiles and laughs. Lessons have really paid off as we can have this fun without her being afraid to go in.

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Band-aids and Broccoli

It was a strange turn of events that brought me two band-aids and Abby her broccoli.

Starting at Target. I had her select a box of band-aids as her reward for behavior. Hello Kitty.

Next at home. She most certainly had an injury immediately to ensure herself a band-aid. Excited to have it, she wanted me to have one too.

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We then moved outside to practice bike riding. Still so thrilled to own a bicycle and helmet, she runs to hop on.

Slowly. Slowly. Slowly. We make our way, with helmet adjustments, across the street to the sidewalk for practice. Pedaling is a precious skill taken for granted.

When frustrated, she hopped off and walked away. Nothing else said.

Insisting on putting the bike back before moving on, I spoke as she walked away. My leverage, I knew, was that Hello Kitty band-aid.

“Abby, put this bike back in the garage or give me the band-aid,” I instructed.

Swiftly she walked my direction (me feeling such accomplishment…a lesson surely learned), she stopped just short of my toes…holding out her thumb. She gave me the band-aid and turned to continue her new-found play.

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I sternly walk us inside for dinner, walking aside the bike.

It was then time to go upstairs.

But wait…What a better procrastination technique than this: “I want broccoli!”


Walking to the refrigerator she exclaimed, “I want broccoli!”.

Will she eat it? Can I really say no?

Success for us both. She ultimately ate her vegetable while most certainly delaying her bedtime.

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Kicks and Donalds

The energy and the excitement in our house tonight was “Kicks and Donalds”!

We know from historical reference that Kicks is Gymnastics. Abby loves it. She loves wearing her special Kicks clothes.



Donalds is McDonald’s. With her limited vocabulary should I be concerned that this word (along with “Ice Cream” and “Hungry”) rolls easily off her tongue?

We stopped for our routine shared cone in a cup.

We went home to bed.

Thursdays are certainly sensational with Kicks and Donalds.