The Reader’s Quiz

Put the following in order from earliest to most current:

1.) The introduction of the first Apple Watch

order 12252.) Our Summer 2015 trip to Como Park Zoo

order 1233 order 1234 order 1235 order 1236

3.) Abby’s first dance recitalorder 1230 order 1229 order 1228

4.) Winn Dixie’s demonstration of his love for Barbieorder 1237

5.) Winn Dixie’s demonstration of his love for Andy (the Bitty Baby twin doll)order 1243

6.) 2015 School shopping at Targetorder 1238 order 1239 order 1240

7.) Abby’s eye exam…dilationĀ and allorder 1241 order 1242

If you answered 1, 3, 2, 4, 7, 5, 6 then you are correct.

Congratulations! (you win nothing except the joy of these fun summer photos)

Hidden Camera

I couldn’t help but sneak the shot as she read aloud the shapes on the eye chart while wearing those strange wire glasses.

My baby is growing up so fast.

AnotherĀ first step. Early Childhood screening.

Kindergarten in the fall.

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I like to call it the spy-cam but that sounds a bit sneaky.

It’s a humor-cam. It’s a comfort-cam. It’s an “I wonder”-cam.

Not only does it show a girl in restful sleep, but also the sweet play of that toddler when she’s up from her slumber.

Trying on boots and coddling babies. Reading and rearranging. Emptying drawers and exploring in her dollhouse.

It’s my eye on imagination and my assurance of peace.

It’s my smile-cam.


The Bagel Shop

We went to the bagel shop this morning.

We went to the bagel shop this morning to bring home breakfast for grandma and grandpa.

We went to the bagel shop because it’s Abby’s birthday and doughnuts are her favorite.

Yes, doughnuts. She calls them bagels; they do, after all, look similar.

I don’t correct her. I think it makes me a better mom to be feeding bagels.

bagel 601


Owwweee mama. Owwweee.

Surprisingly, looking at the sun means an owwweee to the eye.

Mom’s magic makes it better. “Look the other way”. Magic.

Ouch 163

Owwweee mama. Owwweee.

Whether a finger or a toe, it’s a kiss that makes it better.

Whether kissed by her mama or herself, the remedy is equally as effective.

Ouch 164

Mac’s Eyes

I may speak of seeing the world through another’s eyes.

It saddens me to think of what I’d see through Mac’s right now. Not much.

Mac has a double eye infection that lessens his sight.

He bumps and he jumps. Startled and scared.


I hold him and give him the eye drops.

I hold him with a warm compress.

I need to be the eyes that he sees the world through for right now; his seeing eye human.

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