New Babies

New additions to our new home this week. New babies.

Nothing could have been better!

Never such a great surprise on our front door step.

Nine minutes of unedited joy…the video maxing out the space on my phone.

Thank you Auntie Gayle and Uncle Dale.



Packages to wrap, using the bargain tape I feel frustration.

So excited to help, she’ll do whatever she can.

I gift the tape to her.

Grabbing the other tape I have, it’s generic too.

Although excited to gift to Alice and Andy, she realizes the sticky downfall.

She gifts her tape to me, asking for the fresh roll.

We figure the issues out together and place our first presents under the tree.

(do you thing she’ll keep the secret??)

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Proud of the Picture

School pictures arrived.

Abby, loving her teacher, asked for a photo.

Today in her cubby, a special envelope.

She opened it with pride, not letting it go. The gift she’d requested.

We’d hang it on the refrigerator, I said, where the other prize pictures are presented.

Disagreeing, she immediately responded with a desire to decorate her door.

Art added. Now posted.

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He knows

Grandpa knows exactly what makes me happy.

Tonight it was truly a special gift; straight from the heart.

Jemma can now sit by my side in her very own choice chair.

Thanks from my baby and I.

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Ready for bed, she asks to see “pi-pillar”.

Over and over, “see pi-pillar, see pi-pillar”.

Finally, I knew, it was our new pet she was seeking.

Our new pet that is sleeping in the kitchen

Sleeping in the kitchen to ensure that he has enough food (of course).

Our new pet that was a gift from Grandpa.

A gift in a glass; terrific for a toddler.


So excited to have shared it with Grandpa’s brother!!

(he didn’t tell her that he had one you know)

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A great girl. A great visit to the cardiologist.

Great news.

EKG. Echo. Exam.

All reports remarkable!

The second hole closed.

Special cardio consultation concluded for life.

A super gift for her third birthday.

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