Favorite Friends

It couldn’t have touched my heart more…how even to put it in writing…

“You’re my friend, mama,” I hear from the backseat.

“You’re my friend, Abby!”

“You’re my friend!”

“You’re my friend!”

“OK, I’ll be your friend mommy. We are friends.”

Double Duty

Who knew that a pet caterpillar meant a daily regimen of leafs and cleaning?

Who knew that this new high maintenance family member would challenge me to a green thumb?

A caterpillar and a plant. Double duty.

The science of life.

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Ready for bed, she asks to see “pi-pillar”.

Over and over, “see pi-pillar, see pi-pillar”.

Finally, I knew, it was our new pet she was seeking.

Our new pet that is sleeping in the kitchen

Sleeping in the kitchen to ensure that he has enough food (of course).

Our new pet that was a gift from Grandpa.

A gift in a glass; terrific for a toddler.


So excited to have shared it with Grandpa’s brother!!

(he didn’t tell her that he had one you know)

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