Life Log


A web site on which an individual or group of users record opinions, information,etc. on a regular basis.
What is a blog? Defined by Google above. Defined by Webster below.
“A Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer; also : the contents of such a site”
My definition, “a life log”.
Documenting when your daughter spontaneously dawns her sunglasses.
Remembering when you thought she was saying I Love You…but you soon realized that she was singing “I love you, tomorrow…” from Annie.
Telling others of the times she stops in her tracks to say “I am so cute”.
Making sure when she’s 16 she’ll always remember the hugs she loved to give.
Taking time for mom to ease into her evening after the mandatory “2 books” before bedtime.
Illustrating through words the excitement of a birthday! No matter who. No matter the present. Everything’s awesome! And there’s cake!
Writing of the silly squat that she does when asking for toothpaste; she holds the toothbrush as low as possible until the gel is applied.
Putting into words the visual of naked dolls around the house; all clothes get removed.
Caring to share that my toddler loves lotion; flipping on her belly, she simply states “Lotion” with a back rub expectation.
Being sure to log counting…1,2,3,5,6,7,9. Somewhere in the teens there’s an “eleven-teen” now.
Sharing that we have had parking lot time-outs. Holding hands is a very important rule not to be broken.
Commenting on the covers that she puts on Mac. Showing she cares, it seems he could care less.
…sometimes with pictures to help tell the stories.
Cool 573

Feed the Soul

Two souls sharing the spring moment.

Feeding the birds.

Teaching. Bonding.

Feeding the souls.

The things that memories are made of…

…and the birds are happy too!

To tell the story of the chip

To tell the story without a video just doesn’t do it justice.

You can’t see me looking for understanding in the eyes of the other patrons at dinner tonight.

You can’t see my mouth drop, noting the shock of the experience.

The story…

Abby picks from my plate a chip.

Manners? A learning opportunity? I reached to take it back; this is mommy’s chip.

(admittedly a poorly selected time for a teaching moment)

Pulling. Swinging it away. argh! No! “Mine!”.

Really? Clearly I couldn’t give in now. We’ve started something.

I reached again. Mommy’s chip.

Pulling. Swinging it away. argh! No! “Mine!”.

I got some this time…a portion as it split in half.

Toddler understanding.

Handing me the second half, the bottom lip protruded and her head hid in her arm bent on the table.

Suddenly a shriek.

A curdling cry!

Mouth open, at this point she likely no longer remembers why she’s wailing.

Quick…a mother’s distraction…dip!

I offered dip for her food and the smile re-surfaced.

It may have been a little thing that shifted the attention of someone so small…but bottom line, I didn’t give into the chip!

Always Remember

As Abby and I sat singing and laughing, I looked into her eyes, right at that smile, and promised myself to consciously remember the moment.

It wasn’t a life altering moment or milestone.

It wasn’t potty training or talking or walking or reading. It wasn’t even playing with dolls or building block towers.

It was simply a shared moment between mother and daughter.

A girl and her mom.

“I love you, a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck, I love you.”

A song that my mom shared with me and now I found it natural to share it with Abby.

Silly smiles, songs and hugs. I will always remember the moment.

(did I mention smiles and hugs? yes, smiles and hugs to remember :-))