Sensible Scatter? A Short Santa Story

Zealously, as if fact, today I hear from the back seat:
“Santa comes to our house first.”

Sure. I guess he’s gotta start somewhere.

santa 1197

Call it what you will…the Scatter Theory…or Imagination.

Reading her book about the Statue of Liberty, more than once she has pointed out her boyfriend (below).

boyfriend 1196

It’s True. Roadkill for Dinner.

Away from the format of julieabbymac, I chose to share the personal story of a blog follower. Any misrepresentation is unintentional, but not likely.

Consider this the abbreviated version:

She called. “Mom I hit a deer”. She was ok; the deer was not. He laid, blood draining from his mouth, dying in front of her. For what seemed liked hours, she waited and watched. The officer ultimately arrived, about 20 minutes later, to write the report. Signing the statement, that cop then asked if she’d like to keep this animal. Hmm? One call to her husband, the fate of their future changed. The officer helped her lift the deer into the back of her minivan, putting a plastic Target bag over its head to contain the blood. This helpful man ensures the need for field dressing is known. Hmm? Her husband and her, not hunters. Field dressing? Gutting! Her now officer friend offered to meet them after he finished his shift; he was up to the task. Heading home, it was clear that the impact had cracked the radiator. The temperature was climbing and smoke started billowing. Murphy’s Law. Another stop. The state trooper could likely not see through the cloud as he approached; he heard the most unlikely story and witnessed a temperature gauge in distress. No one could make this up; he let her finish the trip home. Later that night, it was time for the gutting. The minivan, now out of commission, was unable to chauffeur the venison. She and her hubby transferred the animal from the van to his trunk, leaving trails of blood that can only lead one to assume it a kill scene. As per instructions, they met at the game farm. Guts could, here, be left in the ditch. While waiting for the officer’s arrival, another cop approached the scene. Curious as to the nature of their loitering, he advanced with little expectation of the tale he would hear. The trunk was opened to reveal the creature; the sitcom-like adventure shared. He left them luck and a smile. Soon the guy for the inners was there to assist. Post processing, deer back to the trunk and, ultimately, hung from the rafters at home. She called. “Mom I want the head.” Maybe she was not ok after all. Let’s just keep the roadkill for dinner.

The Nap Narrative

Two books before sleep; tradition to her.

I leave her to nap; snuggle in for the slumber.

Once the door closed, came the books once again.

Now being the mommy, she was prepped with a plan.

Babies and Barbies, interestingly.

They were covered and backs’ rubbed, that’s how it would be.

Reading the books, she answered a call.

Not sure who it was, but she talked not long at all.

Next a doctor was needed; she would be it.

Temperatures took, under their pits.

Beautify, cut their nails…comb their hair.

Seemingly getting ready to go out somewhere.

Nope, she then rocked the babies, twenty minutes had passed,

She laid down with her covers, and tried to relax.

The comforter, caught, her feet sticking out.

Not happy, she kicked and started to pout.

Her feet never did go under and hide.

That’s when she suddenly broke down and cried.

Up from the bed, she walked to the door,

Turned on the light, started knocking and more.

I walked right in as I heard the first rap.

Turned off the light and told her to nap.

An owl hooting for her absent mom.

Soon she would surely be silent and calm.

Yes, in mere minutes, she was able to dream.

When her eyes finally closed, it’d been hours it seemed.

(the joys of having the video monitor hung in her room 🙂 )

Life Log


A web site on which an individual or group of users record opinions, information,etc. on a regular basis.
What is a blog? Defined by Google above. Defined by Webster below.
“A Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer; also : the contents of such a site”
My definition, “a life log”.
Documenting when your daughter spontaneously dawns her sunglasses.
Remembering when you thought she was saying I Love You…but you soon realized that she was singing “I love you, tomorrow…” from Annie.
Telling others of the times she stops in her tracks to say “I am so cute”.
Making sure when she’s 16 she’ll always remember the hugs she loved to give.
Taking time for mom to ease into her evening after the mandatory “2 books” before bedtime.
Illustrating through words the excitement of a birthday! No matter who. No matter the present. Everything’s awesome! And there’s cake!
Writing of the silly squat that she does when asking for toothpaste; she holds the toothbrush as low as possible until the gel is applied.
Putting into words the visual of naked dolls around the house; all clothes get removed.
Caring to share that my toddler loves lotion; flipping on her belly, she simply states “Lotion” with a back rub expectation.
Being sure to log counting…1,2,3,5,6,7,9. Somewhere in the teens there’s an “eleven-teen” now.
Sharing that we have had parking lot time-outs. Holding hands is a very important rule not to be broken.
Commenting on the covers that she puts on Mac. Showing she cares, it seems he could care less.
…sometimes with pictures to help tell the stories.
Cool 573

Before Blogging

Before blogging, diaries…journals…”books about me”. Daily accounts of life lived. Making memories into mementoes to be treasured for a lifetime.

Such a story sent from my sister last night; written twenty years back:

by Tracy, age 19, college Freshman:

Twas the night before college and all through the dorm, the students were sleeping all snuggled and warm.
My clothes were laid out at the end of my bed, while visions of classes danced in my head.
My roommate in her nightie and I in mine too had just settled down in our room yet so new.
When out in the lawn there arose such a clatter, we sprang from our beds to see what was the matter.
Away to the windows we flew like a flash, tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
The moon in the sky and the light of the stars made it easy to see…
The family car???
When what to my wondering eyes should appear, my Dad hopped out with camping gear!
My Mom closely followed so lively and quick, I knew in a moment I would be sick.
They put up the tent without any shame.  They whistled and shouted and called out my name.
I opened the window and waved hello, but then asked them politely if they would go!
I told them I missed them but I had to live here, so they told me they loved me and packed up their gear.
I watched them go but turned all red, for every student had been woken out of bed.
I heard Dad exclaim as he drove out of sight… Sorry to embarrass you, Next time we’ll write!!!

I did add at the end a side note… I love you Mom and Dad-you can come VISIT me any time you’d like!!!!!

PS – julieabbymac did not know that this was fun fiction!