Let’s face it.

Even the twos don’t prepare you for the threes!

I find it challenging to compose at the computer this beautiful blog when time-outs and write-ups are a regular part of our daily existence.

Time OUTs + Write UPs = Blog Frequency DOWN

The “NO”s and the “NOTHING”s. The LACK of listening.

Painful to the most patient of souls.

I submit now to the idea of writing the wicked as well as the cute.

Hello Kitty convinced me. Again I felt the photographic draw.

Again I wanted to share her smile with the world.

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I like to call it the spy-cam but that sounds a bit sneaky.

It’s a humor-cam. It’s a comfort-cam. It’s an “I wonder”-cam.

Not only does it show a girl in restful sleep, but also the sweet play of that toddler when she’s up from her slumber.

Trying on boots and coddling babies. Reading and rearranging. Emptying drawers and exploring in her dollhouse.

It’s my eye on imagination and my assurance of peace.

It’s my smile-cam.


The Bagel Shop

We went to the bagel shop this morning.

We went to the bagel shop this morning to bring home breakfast for grandma and grandpa.

We went to the bagel shop because it’s Abby’s birthday and doughnuts are her favorite.

Yes, doughnuts. She calls them bagels; they do, after all, look similar.

I don’t correct her. I think it makes me a better mom to be feeding bagels.

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