Thanksgiving 2013

Tracy’s treat. Thanksgiving twenty thirteen.

Her house hosted.

Family, friends and fun.

Enjoying the energy.

Before the bargains.

The turkey and stuffing.

Disappointed to discover, come dark, a stomach disorder…

Postponing any purchasing.

Either way, thankful for the time together.

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Impromptu Cousins’ Night

Guest author tonight. Tracy.

Email. re: Impromptu Cousins’ Night

“We had an impromptu cousins night tonight!  A fun Friday night in with Abby, Paige, Al and Andy!  We are so lucky!!!”


Gymnastics. Thoughtfully pronounced ‘kicks’ by tonight’s key participant.

She dressed the part. Precious.

She warmed up amidst the big kids and expert equipment. Excellent!

She started on bars and on beams. Brave!

She vaulted and hung. Fun!

She jumped on the trampoline. Of course that was terrific!

Initially approaching everything with caution, in the end it was Abby that wanted to keep climbing while the others were in line for their special post class hand stamp.

‘kicks’. Cool! We’ll be back.

Gymnastics2 Gymnastics1

Elmo Makes Music…

…and we were there!

Intro video:

All loved it. All loved spending time together.

Grandma, Grandpa, Mom, Abby. Fun at Elmo’s musical show.