Penguin Drama

I never thought to think that the start of the Christmas countdown could be misunderstood.

Using the penguin method may have been a distraction.

So excited to be using her glue stick for the cotton balls, she missed the point of the calendar correlation.

When I pulled the penguin to put him on the cabinet the tantrum started.

It was drama.

Her art wasn’t complete! More gluing to do!

Together we’re counting now. Understanding the use of the tool.

Santa’s coming to our house in just 24 mores days!

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Thanksgiving 2013

Tracy’s treat. Thanksgiving twenty thirteen.

Her house hosted.

Family, friends and fun.

Enjoying the energy.

Before the bargains.

The turkey and stuffing.

Disappointed to discover, come dark, a stomach disorder…

Postponing any purchasing.

Either way, thankful for the time together.

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Pumpkin Cheating

Is painting a pumpkin cheating?

Does painting a pumpkin somehow get mom out of the mess and make the experience less for Abby?


The fun of the mess and the beauty of the jack-o-lantern is 100%. In our case, the Elm-o-lantern.

Video and photos of pumpkin cheating…great memories…