A Girl’s Best Friend

Diamonds? So I’ve heard.

A girl’s real best friend…

Someone that is there through it all; teaching commitment.

Someone that loves her no matter what; teaching unconditional love.

Someone that snuggles even when she has been playing in the mud (likely playing in the mud with her); teaching humor.

Someone that hears her secrets and never tells anyone; teaching loyalty and trust.

Someone that needs her as much as she needs them; teaching responsibility.

Someone that teaches her without her even knowing that she is being taught.

Winn Dixie came into our lives from the Humane Society. He’s all of the above and more.

He’s one that we can both learn from.

He’s our diamond.

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Friday, Feb 13th – Let’s Say Lucky

15 years. That’s how old Mac was when he died last Friday.

Bad luck on Friday the 13th? No, all that knew him know that he went to heaven; this was his lucky day.

He lived a happy life. Loyal and loving. Tolerant and tough. Smiley and snuggly.

He was my cat; my dog with 9 lives.
He was my baby; from infant to elderly, my kid.
He was my friend; my companion through the best and the worst.

There’s no one to step on when I turn around, there’s no one wanting to play fetch, there’s no one using the water bowl on my bed. There’s no one to clean-up the spills from the table, there’s no one wagging his tail when I come home, there’s no one sleeping under my covers.

Being human, it’s hard to say goodbye, but it was his time. It was peaceful. He was and is lucky.





Yes, park-it.

Quality obedience training for Archie that Abby has so efficiently learned.

Yesterday, from across the room, Abby practiced this command by pointing to the ground and firmly demanding I park-it.

I’m quite certain I didn’t hide well my appreciation for the humor.

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Cat Comics


A new friend was welcomed to daycare this week. Rocky.

Rocky is a brown Guinea Pig.

Abby adores Rocky.

So proud he’s in the room, she shows him off.

Still timid, she’s working up the courage to hold him.

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Penguin Drama

I never thought to think that the start of the Christmas countdown could be misunderstood.

Using the penguin method may have been a distraction.

So excited to be using her glue stick for the cotton balls, she missed the point of the calendar correlation.

When I pulled the penguin to put him on the cabinet the tantrum started.

It was drama.

Her art wasn’t complete! More gluing to do!

Together we’re counting now. Understanding the use of the tool.

Santa’s coming to our house in just 24 mores days!

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The Animals at My House

I thought I had one pet at my place


watching drawers emptied at a hurried pace

And two with toys stuffed in their face

I soon realize that this is not the case