Let’s face it.

Even the twos don’t prepare you for the threes!

I find it challenging to compose at the computer this beautiful blog when time-outs and write-ups are a regular part of our daily existence.

Time OUTs + Write UPs = Blog Frequency DOWN

The “NO”s and the “NOTHING”s. The LACK of listening.

Painful to the most patient of souls.

I submit now to the idea of writing the wicked as well as the cute.

Hello Kitty convinced me. Again I felt the photographic draw.

Again I wanted to share her smile with the world.

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Penguin Drama

I never thought to think that the start of the Christmas countdown could be misunderstood.

Using the penguin method may have been a distraction.

So excited to be using her glue stick for the cotton balls, she missed the point of the calendar correlation.

When I pulled the penguin to put him on the cabinet the tantrum started.

It was drama.

Her art wasn’t complete! More gluing to do!

Together we’re counting now. Understanding the use of the tool.

Santa’s coming to our house in just 24 mores days!

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