A hearing test and exam today.

Checking the source of so much pain.

Found to need the tubes again.

November 13th.

Remembering how she sat on my lap for the tests and exams prior, I smile at this independence.

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Blog 2 – Procedure

Blog #2 recaps what was most important about today, Abby’s ear tube procedure; the right tube would be replaced.

Dr Lind at Park Nicollet is her awesome pediatrician; we saw her last week for the Pre-Op. 75th percentile height. 75th percentile weight. Very healthy girl.

Abby with Dr Lind for Pre-Op Appointment

This morning was Children’s Hospital in Minneapolis at 8 am. Abby was a perfect angel for the entire day.

There was very little waiting. Each nurse, assistant, doctor and anesthesiologist came and went with efficiency and professionalism. It was such a caring staff.

We went to the operating room with Abby. Her sleepy mask went on. We waited in her hospital room while the procedure was under way.

Only 15 minutes later the doctor was back to report on the success.

Only 15 minutes later the recovery room nurse was back with the tired little girl.

Only 30 minutes later the little girl was wide awake, eating popsicles and drinking juice.

Only 60 minutes later we were home and eating lunch. We moved quickly into toys, books, walks and work (my work; a quick stop at Target needed).

Abby was such a happy, bubbly little girl this afternoon and evening. Full of spunk and full of smiles.

She’s perfect. I couldn’t ask for anything more.